Thursday, September 11, 2008

Writing Letters to My Supervisors and Company President

This morning I wrote a letter to my company president letting him know that I am going on a postcard pilgrimage during Christmas. It is taking a real risk, I know, but I feel that it is important to communicate the message as soon as possible. I also wanted him to know my gratitude with regards to working at such a company that feeds its employees. I want everything to be out in the open, for soon, I have a deep suspicion that not only will it be out in the open, but it may be in the papers. I have no idea, at this stage, though. My supervisor at work hasn't directly addressed my request, and there are so many unknowns at this stage. I feel both relieved and scared. Relieved because external reality is now coming closer to the internal one. Scared because of finances and lack of money. Scared also because there are so many unknowns, including where we will stay, other people's judgement and how to tell my family about this. I am waiting to tell my family because I need to get all the work details sorted out first. I sincerely hope that my company grants me a leave of absence. That would be wonderful, as I cannot just take off without any notion of how to support myself when I return from the pilgrimage.
But it is a good day because I expressed my intentions in a clear manner to the president of my company. I will report back on how it was received.

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