Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Confessions of a Professional Shopdropper: MCASD

So, my previous post didn't exactly tell the entire story of how my postcards made it into the MCASD. I used the guerilla tactic, better known as shopdropping.
I've been shopdropping at tourist stores in San Diego for quite some time and grown rather tired of the activity. I was in Little Italy a few weeks ago, at the Noel Baza gallery and spent some time chatting with the gallery owners. I told them about my postcard activities and shopdropping tendencies and they seemed amused. Then one of the owners told me that I should drop some of my postcards into the gift shop of the Museum of Contemporary Art, then write a thank-you letter to the director. What would happen? Would the director ignore my letter? Write a response? Ask to carry my cards? Politely try to get rid of me? What would happen to my postcards after they had been dropped into the store?
A huge grin spread across my face and I promised him I would follow through with his idea.

I received an email yesterday from Hugh Davies, the director of the Museum of Contemporary Art of San Diego. It goes as follows:

Hugh Davies

 to meInga
show details 2:46 PM (48 minutes ago)
Thanks for your letter and your cards.

Sent from my iPhone

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