Today turned out like a dream: I met a friend at the E Street Cafe and while waiting in line to order, a voice artist named Gary Elliot descended upon us, pouring out the Manifestiny and dancing wildly with bits of world audio flying out of all pores. He's a self-described General Eclectic, head Prof. IT without the harmful profit rays distorting his skin. I am in a trip that I never want to slow down. Manifestiny is all around. And yesterday, the child-man Jafar entered my video. I placed him in front of the dragon mural, he danced his Tai Chi, and then whisked me into the tea room, while Bob Dylan's face lit the wall. We painted together and laughed, smiled and watched the Corporation. I had to cover my face when the poor cows and pigs were shown in cages. I wanted to save them. Jafar gave me a real big hug with teacup in his breast pocket. Then he removed the teacup and gave me another real big hug. As I drove away, I smiled thinking of Jafar. I continued thinking of him and he appeared, danced to my window and grasped my hand. We laughed again.
I wrote a song about Jafar and the main chorus is, "Can you see the smile of Jafar in me?"
He is nine days in San Diego and I'm the luckiest friend he has.