Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Gave Away 3 Postcards and a 27 cent stamp

Drawing: collaboration with Alex Chiu.
I went to Bar Basic last night and the highlight was giving away three postcards and one 27 cent stamp to Christopher Banchero. He was happy to receive my cards, and I in turn was joyful once again. It was a very nice encounter, one that makes me smile even now.
My postcard-giving activities are being subsumed by Beyond Toothpaste activities. David Webster needs my help, and he is regaining hope, I think. One thing is sure: he uses the word, "if" way too much, and I told him that he should delete it from his vocabulary. It's difficult. I have a tendency to say the word, "sorry" too much, which he is always pointing out.
I looked up the brand, METHOD, and think we should follow a similar path with the toothpaste.
I've never felt so motivated and happy to work in all my life. I am so happy that I quit my day job. I'm a little nervous, but full of energy.

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