Thursday, October 9, 2008

Dreams as Exceptional Events
This document by Dr. Ullman expresses my exact feelings on the subject of dreams. I'm thinking long and hard about the purpose of the pilgrimage and I believe that finding out the current state of consciousness of people is at the top of the list. I believe we all hold the keys to understanding the truth of ourselves, our society and culture through the acceptance and study of our dreams. I'm very curious to find out what other people are dreaming about in the modern world, one in which I feel that technology is reigning supreme. I feel that the creation of the Patron Saint of Postcards persona is a desire on my part to create a great connective tissue that forms between me and the rest of the world. One of the most basic human needs is to connect with others and I do feel that through the years, this connective tissue has been worn down by technology and consumerism. I think technology is wonderful and fascinating and yet I also feel that it is isolating. The thing I suppose I crave the most in this modern world is connecting with others in a deep and meaningful way in order to understand how we all perceive and process the world.

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